Previous Summits

Swiss CISO Summits take place three times a year. This overview details past events.

Current Month

October 2017

18oct12:00CISO Summit No. 11: Detection of Threats and APTWhich approaches perform in corporations, and how to communicate incidents?

January 2018

30jan12:00CISO Summit No. 12: Insider threat: how to mitigate and prepare for post incident measuresCISO’s responsibility in context with other organizational units

May 2018

29may12:00CISO Summit No 13: IoT and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) – Concepts, Risks, and the new Role for the CISO

October 2018

30octAll DayCISO Summit No 14: Next Generation Information Security Strategy: Impact, Data Governance & Implementation

January 2019

29janAll DayCISO Summit No 15: CMMI & Risk Management: Methodology advancement, business impact and resilience improvement

May 2019

21mayAll DayCISO Summit No 16: Third Party Security and Patching: How to face this major vulnerability?

October 2019

15octAll DayCISO Summit No 17: Security Culture - how to measure, change and optimize?

January 2020

28janAll DayCISO Summit No 18: Cloud Security: Impact on Risks, Control and Security

September 2020

02sepAll DayCISO Summit No 19: Application Security, Docker, DevOps, and Agility: Which Security Measures, Architecture and Design is needed?

November 2020

04novAll DayCISO Summit No 20: Ransomware: Prevention, Early Detection and Response

January 2021

26janAll DayCISO Summit No 21: Traditional and New Forms of System Security Testing and Verification

January 2022

25janAll Day01febCISO Summit No. 24: Dear CISO, how are you preparing your organization for the future?Scenario, Attack Pressure, Strategies and Actions

February 2022

25janAll Day01febCISO Summit No. 24: Dear CISO, how are you preparing your organization for the future?Scenario, Attack Pressure, Strategies and Actions

May 2022

17mayAll DayCISO Summit No 25

October 2022

25oct12:1519:00CISO Summit No. 26: Vulnerability Management: How to recognize vulnerabilities and threats and defend successfully against?

January 2023

31jan12:0019:00CISO Summit No. 27: Reporting and Risk Communication: What are good approaches based on experience?

May 2023

09may12:0019:00CISO Summit No. 28: Multi-Cloud - New Security Challenges

October 2023

24oct12:0019:00CISO Summit No. 29: Red Teaming Exercises – What are your experiences, and how we can convert good SOC-teams into excellent teams?

January 2024

30jan12:0019:00CISO Summit No. 30: Building a Cybersecurity Strategy: Process and outcome – what we can learn from each other (topic to be reconfirmed)

May 2024

14may12:0019:00CISO Summit No. 31: High performance team and leadership: What can security learn from and how to implement and test?