CISO Summit No. 9: Next Generation Corporate Cyber Defence

24jan12:00CISO Summit No. 9: Next Generation Corporate Cyber Defence

Event Details

Keynote 1: Best of Breed Security Architecture: Protection Level and Borders of State-of-the-Art

Speaker: Rajesh Nair, Detecon (Schweiz) AG

Moving on from the traditional focus of defense in depth, there is a need to come ever closer to being able to understand security from a business context. Architecting a security solution then becomes even more an integra- ted approach between the IT and Business teams, with Operations becoming more central in the entire chain. Additionally the architecture design extends outside the organizational boundaries speci cally in highly integrated environments. This presentation will explain state-of-the-art security architecture from a different «highest security» perspective.

Nair, RajeshRajesh Nair worked with Swissgrid from 2009 in various roles covering Strategy, Archi- tecture, Cyber security and as the Chief Information Of cer. The main focus of his work in Swissgrid was the design and implementation of Swissgrid Architecture, building up a central capability to monitor and control the Swiss National Transmission grid. He led a team of over 120 ICT experts. He was responsible for the Corporate and Industrial IT of Swissgrid as well as for the design and operation of certain critical pan European ICT infrastructures. Rajesh has been in the Energy industry for over 20 years and has worked for ABB, Deloitte Consulting, Suntec and Alstom. He has also had various functional roles leading from Financial controlling, Product development, Strategy, Project Executi- on and General Management in these companies, which gives him a balanced corporate view on technology. From Oct 2016, Rajesh has been a part of the Detecon team, working on a number of strategic initiatives mainly on the topics Cyber Security, Big data and New technologies.


Keynote 2: Detection and Response: Empowered by Intelligence led Security Operations

Speaker: Will Semple, PwC

Observing the market, a relevant shift in security budgets has happened towards detection and response in recent years: By today it is a well-known fact, that anybody will be breached. Readiness for detection and response is the key for mastering the situation and means storing data over a long period (two or more years), understanding the intelligence management lifecycle on strategic, tactical operational and technical level as well as the attack models. Content Detection needs threat intelligence, security analytics and use cases, against which the data are screened. Finally, knowing about a potential breach, in the rst step a veri cation is necessary: if the breach is con rmed prepared measures which can be invoked timely help to master the situation.

This presentation highlights background on the functional principles, how detection and response really work.

Semple, WillWill Semple is a Leader in the PwC Cyber Security Practice responsible for Managed Threat Detection and Response Services, Advanced Security Operations and a Security Analytics SME. Will works with PwC clients globally helping to solve some of the their most challenging cyber risk questions. Prior to PwC Will has served as Head of Global Threat for the New York Stock Exchange, managing cyber risk from nation state attackers, industrial espionage, hacktavism and cybercrime related incidents. Will was later appointed CISO for the European, APAC and Commercial business units of the NYSE overseeing EU and US Regulator interactions for the Exchange on Cyber matters. Will has actively contributed to the industry by serving as Chair of a European Council working group on Network Information Sharing and Incident Response and assisted in the formulation of policy and legislation for Cyber Security in the EU.


January 24, 2017 12:00(GMT+00:00)


Zunfthaus zur Schmiden, Zurich

Marktgasse 20, Zurich

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